
Pomegranate Tree Care: A Complete Guide

Pomegranate Tree Care: A Complete Guide
Do you have a pomegranate tree in your background, and are you searching for some helpful pomegranate tree care tips? Then, you are at the right place!

In this article, I will provide you with a complete guide about the care of your pomegranate tree. So, keep reading.

Pomegranate is an ancient tree, the fruits of which bring a lot of health benefits. And you can easily have this tree in a backyard of a city apartment and the open field. It is best to grow pomegranates in the open area with hot summers and warm winters. A good harvest depends on the correct plantation and proper maintenance.

Pomegranate Tree Care

Garden pomegranate varieties

Ideal for growing Backyard are the following varieties:

  • in “Gyulosha red” the juice has a sweet taste, the color of the fruit is different;
  • “Pink stripe” has a corresponding color, the fruit contains large grains;
  • Nikitsky early – a variety with average grain size, sweet and sour juice;
  • Dwarf pomegranate, the fruits of which in the open field do not exceed 70 grams, the bush stretches up to 1 m in length; during the first period of flowering, large multi-colored flowers appear from bright red to greenish; you can remove more than 10 fruits from one bush, which has a lot of properties beneficial to the body, one of which is the cleansing of the digestive system;
  • special Crimean varieties.

Pomegranate Tree Care

These varieties (types) are classified according to the size and shape of the fruit, grains, and the properties of their constituent elements. Therefore, planting and caring for a particular variety can also vary.

Reproduction of pomegranate

There are three breeding methods for pomegranates: seeds, cuttings, and root shoots.

The seeds must be evenly immersed in the ground (it can be a special mixture) to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, on top they must be covered with the same soil layer by 1.5 cm. It is possible to create a greenhouse above the vessel.
Take unpeeled seeds directly from ripe pomegranate and place them in a growth-stimulating solution for 10 hours.

Provide regular watering and fresh air to seedlings.

As soon as the sprouts reach 3 cm in height, they need a pick. You should plant them, taking into account the distance between them 3-4 cm.
Re-picking is necessary after three months.
Here, I will suggest you take seeds for planting from fresh ripe pomegranate

Reproduction by root shoots

Root propagation is used when the pomegranate tree needs to be rejuvenated. Strong root shoots should be carefully separated and planted for growing in the garden.

It is preferable to carry out this procedure in the spring. By winter, they will acquire flexibility and withstand any covering material to save them from the cold.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is considered the best, one hundred percent yielding:

  • From an adult shoot, it is necessary to take a cutting with buds, which has a length of 25 cm.
  • Then a few hours of soaking in the stimulating solution.
  • The cutting should be placed in the warm ground at a depth of 10 cm; there should be one internode on top.
  • Wet soil and greenhouse conditions contribute to successful germination.
  • After a few months, plant the sprouted seedlings in separate containers.

How to plant pomegranate in a backyard

Planting a pomegranate in a backyard is not an easy task. Before planting, it is necessary to check that several conditions are met:

  • planting pomegranates is best on an elevated area in the garden on the southwestern side, where sunlight enters freely, and the winds do not reach, groundwater should not flow near;
  • the outside temperature should be at least – 30 ° F, the plant can survive the temperature below only for a short time;
  • the ideal soil option is alkaline with good drainage from expanded clay and crushed stone.

The procedure for planting a pomegranate in the garden includes several steps:

  • Dig a hole 60×70 cm.
  • Carefully fertilize the bottom of the pit with humus, compost, sand, add a layer of soil on top.
  • Place seedlings in the holes in a hole at a depth of about 40 cm at an angle of 40-45 degrees.
  • Trim the roots, sprinkle them and tamp them with a layer of earth of at least 15 cm. There should be no voids left.
  • There may be support next to the seedlings to simplify their care.
  • Water the seedlings to soften and lose the soil.
  • Mulching will not interfere with seedlings: covering the pomegranate with a special protective material, which can be humus, straw, weeds.
  • Under such conditions, it is possible to grow pomegranates in the open field in 3-4 years.

Now let’s move towards winter pomegranate tree care:

Winter pomegranate tree care

How to care for a tree in winter? The question worries many gardeners who have planted pomegranates. The main task is to protect the plant from hypothermia. This danger appears at -10 ° C. To do this, you need to prepare a reliable shelter:

  • Spray the pomegranate bush with Bordeaux liquid.
  • Pour out the earth with a volume of about 4 shovels.
  • Tie the branches of the inclined tree with a rope and attach them to iron stakes.
  • On top, you can lay another layer of spruce branches.
  • Sprinkle earth on top from the row spacing with a layer of about 20 cm.
  • The pomegranate must be freed from the ropes in May when favorable temperatures are established.

Use Bordeaux mixture to spray pomegranate before wintering

A set of conditions conducive to caring for pomegranate in the Backyard
Most gardeners grow pomegranates for nutritious fruits, but not all know ​​the proper pomegranate tree care in the Backyard.

Soil for pomegranate and watering

There should be no stagnation of moisture in the drainage. Poor quality fruits may be the result of excessive or insufficient soil moisture. Only moderate watering guarantees a high-quality harvest. If there is a lot of water, then the flowers may begin to crumble. The earth must be loosened from time to time for the unhindered entry of air and moisture inside.

Lighting and temperature

For flowers to appear, the temperature in the garden must be at + 25 ° F. Fruits can appear at a temperature of 35-38 ° F. The growing tree should receive enough sunlight. Other trees should not shade it. Hot weather and dry air are not afraid of him. The temperature sum for the year must be at least 3000 degrees.

Pruning of the crown of a pomegranate

It is necessary to form a crown not only for beauty but also for the safe stay of the plant in the garden. It is preferable to form the crown in the spring or after the harvest. For the pomegranate to have the shape of a bush, you first need to remove all dry branches, then cut off the root growth. There should be 5 of the strongest trunks in a tilt-fanning position.

Top dressing of pomegranates in the Backyard

It is best to feed the pomegranate before planting, but you can do this when the tree is withering. The right time is summer. It is desirable to give pomegranate mineral complexes containing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, preferably liquid. In the autumn, during digging, fertilizers will also not be superfluous for the tree. You can mulch the tree with manure.

The best organic fertilizer a pomegranate accepts is mullein. You can use chicken dung. They should be brought in at least once every two weeks.

Diseases and pests of pomegranate in the open field

Among the diseases that can affect a pomegranate in the garden, there are:

  • spots on the leaves
  • gray rot
  • Root cancer will help overcome garden var

Effective means for eliminating spotting and gray mold are:

  • Bordeaux liquid
  • an insecticide dissolved in water

The garden pomegranate is attacked by:

  • shield
  • worm
  • spider mite
  • pomegranate moth

Pomegranate damaged by a moth

To prevent the appearance of harmful insects, it is necessary to inspect the bushes periodically. As a preventive measure, it is useful to spray the plant with Bordeaux liquid annually before the bush blooms or after flowering. It is helpful to lubricate the trunk with lime mortar. They will also help to avoid pest damage:

  • removal of dried leaves
  • pruning dry and old branches
  • loosening and weeding of the soil

How to harvest pomegranate in the Backyard

Finally, the pomegranate bears fruit at different times in the Backyard. It is worth removing the fruits from the bushes before ripening only in case of inclement weather. Then, you can fold them in the attic of the house for drying. Mature pomegranates must be removed from the branches before they crack.

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Welcome to Baldwin's Backyard Haven! I'm Baldwin, your guide to transforming your outdoor space into a haven of relaxation, fun, and inspiration. Whether you're a seasoned gardener, a DIY enthusiast, or simply looking to create the perfect outdoor retreat, you'll find a wealth of ideas, tips, and expert advice here. Join me in exploring the wonders of backyard living, from gardening and landscaping to outdoor entertainment and beyond. Let's make your backyard dreams come true, one idea at a time!

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